Customer Stories
Our customers will tell you the difference highly accurate GIS data and state-of-the-art software makes in ensuring public safety for their communities.

We took a wireless 911 call from a female that stated, ‘Help! Fire on Linden Avenue,’ and the phone went dead. Using DDTI’s Dispatch software, the dispatcher was able to retrieve a Phase II reading and plotted it on our map.
Muskingum County Sheriff's Office

We get people in our county that need assistance, but don’t have any idea where they are. With the maps that Digital Data Technologies provides us … we can really help those people out.
Richland County Emergency Management and Homeland Security

We had an emergency with a car in a deep ditch in the middle of nowhere and the person had no idea where she was. DDTI’s Dispatch software pinpointed the exact location and a deputy was there within seven minutes.
Defiance County Communications

Before using DDTI, our map data just wasn’t accurate. Now we know with certainty that when an emergency call comes in, we’re sending our response team to the right place.
Preble County, Ohio

I just can’t imagine using anything less accurate for emergency response.
Huron County Emergency Management